Wildlife Pond Photos
October 11, 2011
Tonight a UFO appears again several times along with the usual gang and drama at the pond.
Also a great photo of the doe with her twins.

A little after 7:30pm the party arrives. The "UFO' in the upper right is the moon.

The fox shows up three hours later.

At 12:51am the coon waddles in to begin a face off with the deer.

Who's pond is this? It's mine. No it's mine.

All of a sudden a mutual truce. What's that coming?

The coon takes off but the deer stands tall to face whatever evil this way comes.

Oh it's just you. I'm soooooooo scared.

As the fox noshes the UFO makes its first appearance in the upper right.

Half hour later the group returns with the UFO making a fly by again in the upper left.

45 seconds later there it is again.

With the UFO gone two deer share the food dish.

The twins decide mom makes a better breakfast. All together now...Awwwwwww.

As dawn breaks mom and the twins clean up after another wild night at the pond